To win at roulette, luck is a major factor and almost no skill is involved or required. Today, there are numerous roulette systems available out there which promise you high profits, but what you can really do is only increase your chance of hitting the winner. Depending on your play style and personality, you should experiment with various roulette systems and stick to the one which you find most suitable for you.

Firstly, you should understand that after years of operation, the roulette wheel in a brick-and-mortar casino experiences wear and tear, and eventually becomes unfair in revealing the winning number. If you have been a regular on a particular table, you may have noticed that some of the numbers seem to win a lot more frequently than they should. By correctly identifying these favoured numbers, your edge would have increased significantly. One possible idea is to pay attention to any particular number which seems to hit more than once in each round of 35 spins, and you can more or less confirm your suspicion after a few days of observation. When you exercise the new betting strategy, avoid overdoing it so that the floor in the casino does not detect it.

Secondly, you can watch the dealer’s habits when he throws the ball into the roulette wheel. Usually, any one will have a certain way of throwing, and prefers to do so in a specific direction and area within the wheel. This trick is commonly called the dealer’s signature. Try to count the number of rotations the ball made around the wheel, with respect to the wheel’s revolution itself. Once you gather the right information, you should be able to place bet on certain regions where the winner is most probably going to appear.

The above strategies are simply some ways which can be applied to increase your chance of striking. At times, you will be experiencing bad luck and keep losing on whatever you bet. Knowing that, you must make an effort not to chase losses and keep on playing according to the rules and steps stated in your chosen system in order to profit in the long run.